PR photo by Angelina Watson.

The regular weekly voice lessons resume on Wednesdays from 09:00 – 10:30 in Boulevarden.

It’s free for all members! Remember to be ready to start at 9:00 – class is often full and we need to get started quickly so everyone can get through individual voice work.
‘Newcomers’ who have never worked with the technique before can join on the first Wednesday of the month unless otherwise agreed.
It is expected that before the first time you have oriented yourself about the work and have learned the four text bites used in the warm-up(THE FOUR VOICE QUALITIES)


For beginners read here.
Remember to sign up by 8 pm the night before at 20 15 09 49 (Angelina). You will have a place once your participation has been confirmed. Places are limited so it is important to sign up.