Improkor – a collaborative exploration of collective sound creations
The basic form of the experiment is that we – a group that can vary from time to time – stand in a circle with our eyes closed and create a common, oral sound process. The improvisations are explored through frames that change from time to time. What the improvisations have in common is that they are not actually singing, but an open sound spectrum that allows all voice-based sounds, harmonies, discords, rhythms and non-rhythms. The responsibility for framing the improvisations rotates between the group participants. The improvisations are followed by joint conversations and possibly creative treatments where we share observations and reflections on our experiences during the improvisations. Everything is done to achieve 1) joy and/or curiosity in the joint sound creation and 2) embodied knowledge about the experiences that the sound creation evokes.
Simon Moser (student at Modern Culture, University of Copenhagen) and Jesper la Cour (The Narrative Theater) are regular facilitators at the experimental sessions. The experimental sessions are open to rotating participants, who are invited through open invitations via the Experimental Station network and/or through Simon and Jesper’s personal networks.