Daily Fiction by Tora Balslev started the “SPLASTIC” experiment in September 2014. It is a study of consciousness and movement based on spasticity.

Here’s a short excerpt from their statement of intent:

“Cath is spastic. If she wants to walk, she has to accept that she will get tired and hurt herself. Cath walks. And Cath dances. Using the movement of Cath, a spastic, as a starting point, we explore our view of the body and movement. What does it mean to be able to do something? What does it mean to practice? Can we do much more than we think?

The methodology includes short physical studies, reflective conversations and interviews.

The experiment features performers Tora Balslev and Cath Mathilde Borch Jensen and composer Knud Riishøjgaard. The study also includes brain researchers Jens Bo Nielsen and Mark Schram Christensen, from the Helene Elsass Center and the University of Copenhagen.

The title “SPLASTIC” is a contraction of the words spastic and plastic, which refers to our changing consciousness, the plasticity of the brain, in short, our ability to learn.”

The trial period for “SPLASTIC” runs until May 2015. It will be announced on an ongoing basis how it is possible to follow the trial in the form of a possible viewing and/or to read about it in a report or similar.


Read the trial’s statement of intent here