Saturday d. 11/9 at 17-18

Sunday 12/9 at 17-18


Dear all.

You are hereby invited to a performance of the work
In Duo with Earth
, which is a 40 minute dance and performance created and danced by Birgitte Skands . In duo with Earth, is a solo work formed in 2021 at the experimental station through improvisation, rands, dance practice, talks and eyes, as well as thoughts through long walks and bike rides during the winters of 2020/2021.


choreographer concept and idea : Birgitte Skands

Performer: Birgitte Skands

Date: 11/9 and 12/9 2021

Time: 17-18

Where: Boulevarden at the Experimental Station

Duration of the event : 1 hour

The event will be held in English.

The event is free, but please write if you come bskands (at)



IN DUO WITH EARTH a PhiloPhysical Dance performance lecture created and performed by Birgitte Skands

In duo with Earth
is a 40 minute walk/talk and dance piece; a movement reflection on the global body, on life and on circular time. In this piece Birgitte Skands will put some Hellenistic philosophy on the floor, looking at the bodily aspect of the history of philosophy while moving and holding the earth close to her. She will -in this dance- take a ride with Diogenes, address different forms of alienation, the state of humanity under pressure and break into conversations between Marx and Marcuse about inner home and the possibility of change through bodywork and the imaginary.

In duo with Earth
is a 40 minutes-walk /talk and dance piece; done as a movement of work reflection on the global body, life, and circular time. In this piece, Birgitte Skands will put some Hellenistic philosophy on the floor, look into the bodily aspect of the history of philosophy while moving, and always carrying Earth with her, under her arm. She will – in this dance – take a walk with Diogenes, address different ways of alienation, the state of humanity being under pressure, and break into conversations between Marx and Marcuse about inner residence, and the possibility of change through bodywork, sensitivity and imagination.

Birgitte Skands (DK) was born and raised in Copenhagen. She graduated from The Juilliard School in New York (1981-1985) and has worked, lived and breathed the vibrant and progressive art scene that flourished in NYC in the 80s. Birgitte currently works as a research dancer, performance artist and dance facilitator in KBH and is a member of the experimental station. Birgitte graduated in Educational Philosophy from DPU Aarhus University (2017)