Forsøget tager udgangspunkt i spørgsmålet “If we resist to attach a certain function or purpose to dance, and instead reinforce dance as something in itself by insisting on form, aesthetic and craft – which sort of experiences can unfold?”.

Undersøgelsen på Forsøgsstationen er en del af et ambitiøst flerårigt projekt med flere lag som allerede har været i gang i flere andre residency sammenhænge. Udvikling af et format for dans kaldet ‘long durational dance’ for 5 dansere, og sideløbende udvikling af en danseteknik på baggrund af denne kunstneriske praksis.

Forsøget skulle have været foregået i maj-juni 2020, men er blevet flyttet til efteråret 2020, i den nye sæson 20/21.

”…Somewhere, some time, a group of dancers moves in spirals, curves and loops around themselves and in spatial patterns. By knitting, braiding and weaving the dances into nonlinear patternings, they are confusing beginnings and endings. As if they are the beholder of time and space, they rock their surrounding into a hazed state of being. The dance is functioning as an anchor to experience the time passing, which is tangled together with the change and ongoingness of all the processes here and now. This altered state of experiencing is lingering on for what seems to be hours, until the dancers stops dancing…”

Læs forsøgets intentionsbeskrivelse her



Forsøget ledes af koreograf og danser Karin Bergman, og derudover deltager Marie Bru Eide (NO), Max Wallmeier (DE), Anna Lea Ourø (DK) og Emilie Gregersen (DK) i forsøget.

Stills fra video af Jonas Fogh