Jesper La Cour from Det Fortællende Teater is in charge of the November ’15 experiment “Story Play”, which is about developing oral narratives as a performing arts expression in a non-competitive context. It draws on the experience of audiences in different age groups.

Jesper La Cour writes about his attempt:
“An audience with a diverse age range can be a particularly open space in which to develop oral narratives. It’s as if there is an expanded experience ofIt’s the kind of vocabulary that makes it possible to connect with shared human depths to the delight and insight of those present in a particularly nuanced way. The working groups will optimally consist of one child (11-12 years), one young person (13-22 years), one adult (23-60 years, performing artist) and one elderly person (60+), but variations may occur due to the composition of the group. In this experiment, each participant must have prepared a story of 9-12 min. (it can be part of a longer story) that they want to work with. During the process, participants will have the opportunity to be interviewed about the trial. The working method is described and explored with examples, games, exercises, tasks and performances.”

The trial will continue with two more workshops in February 2016.
There will be an open viewing of the experiment on February 25, 2016 at 17.00 at the Experimental Station, where it is possible to experience the oral stories developed in the experiment.


Read the report from the trial here

The evaluation report from the House Artist Scheme (2017) – where one of the four cases is this concept – will be posted here as soon as it is published.