The experimental station invites you to a knowledge-sharing event on Saturday 8 October from 12-16:

The aesthetics of death


between actor and puppet, between life and death

“The ideal is not flesh and blood but rather the body in a trance state. The body must be clothed with a mortal beauty, while radiating its living spirit ”
Edward Gordon Craig

Registration for Saturday’s knowledge sharing is required and can be done via email or by calling 38793828.

The Aesthetics of Death is a 5-day knowledge-sharing seminar at the Experimental Station between 5 actors and 5 puppeteers in working with and examining the scenic expression of the actor and the puppet theatre and the fusion of both into a new scenic expression.

It is a study in which we push the limits of the theatre of the actor and the puppet, to explore the relationship between the biological and the artificial body, between the representation of the dead and the representation of the living. Research includes Tadeusz Kantor’s performances with actors and puppets on stage, where the inanimate puppets are experienced almost more vividly than the actors, who are mute with mechanical movements and empty eyes.

For the puppeteer, it’s about giving life and movement to the dead material – and the study asks the question: What does it mean for the actor’s expression to give “death” to the living body of flesh and blood? Read more about the trial here.