Stammbaum is the German word for family tree and the title of a fairly complex and confusing bundle of issues Dorte and Jörn Burmester Wium, hosts of Teach Each Other Mondays, are presently interested in. Thinking about family trees touches concerns of class, gender, visibility, appreciation and performance as art and in everyday life. The root of all forms this journey takes is autobiographies: Memories, traumas, values. How do we become who we are?
One way we become who we are is through the class we are born into. Even in egalitarian Denmark the birth family still determines which doors open and which remain closed. Which glass ceilings can be shattered and which ones stay intact, like bullet proof glass, no matter how long a woman born into the wrong class keeps bashing her head against them. This is where it gets personal, close and dirty.
In the first Teach Each Other Monday of the new season, Dorte and Jörn will introduce some models for visualising personal history, and invite you to experiment with mapping your own history and telling your story.
Admission is free and after the end of corona restrictions there is no more need to sign up. Come as you are!